7 Tips for Families and Caregivers of Cancer Patients

Be proactive. 

Educate yourself as much as you can about the cancer your loved one has. Keep up to date with the latest news in research, treatment, medications and therapies so that you can play a proactive role in treatment.

Speak to your loved one regularly about treatment so you know exactly what their wishes are. Take note of any new symptoms or side effects the patient may be suffering from so you can speak to the doctor about them.

Did you know that the toxicity of asbestos fibers can vary depending on how it’s made?

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Marta graduated from Universidade Fernando Pessoa in Porto with a degree in Communication Sciences and a Masters degree in New Communication Technologies. She has experience in social media, worked with several media channels, and has also worked as a freelance photographer and a graphic artist for almost 10 years.

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