Could Retired Dentists Have a Higher Risk of Developing Mesothelioma?

There are many occupations where the risk of mesothelioma is increased due to asbestos exposure, namely construction, manufacturing, ship building and other similar industries. But according to a report in, dentistry may also be a concern.

Read about four experimental treatments for mesothelioma here. 

It’s thought that dentists who worked in the preparation of prosthetics such as bridges and crowns before the 1970s may have an increased risk of developing pleural mesothelioma.

From the 1930s through the 1970s, blue asbestos was routinely used in the tape that surrounds dental casting rings, so anyone working in the industry would have come into contact with the toxic substance and may have inhaled or swallowed it.

An article in the American Journal for Medicine states that there have been six confirmed cases of malignant pleural mesothelioma in patients who were exposed to airborne asbestos due to the making of bridges and crowns, most of whom were dentists. Find out more about this story here.

Find out why asbestos continues to be a worldwide health problem.

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